- Any student or employee who witnesses a crime must immediately notify the nearest law enforcement agency. In the event of an impending danger, such as a bomb threat, suspected criminal or suspicious character on premises, etc., the witness should discreetly and cautiously notify the senior administrative staff member on campus. This, in turn, will generate prompt administrative notification to all students and employees, advising of the precautions to take, while avoiding panic.
All crimes should be brought to the attention of Rabbi Yaakov Singer who is the liaisons to the local police and public Safety in coordinating information and keeping students informed. Relevant crime information will be publicly announced to the student body within 24 hours of a crime.
- Policies on Access to Facilities: Access to all school facilities is restricted to approved students and employees, as well as authorized visitors. All buildings are to be securely locked after programs and study sessions have ended. After-hours student access is provided only by contacting appointed employees and/or students.
- Current Campus Law Enforcement Policies: The institution maintains no security force of its own. Students must consistently be mindful of their responsibility for the welfare of themselves and fellow peers. Any student or employee that is witness to a dangerous or suspect situation is expected to communicate with local police immediately.
- Availability of On and Off-Campus Counseling and Mental Health Services for Crime Victims: Counseling is available on campus and is provided by faculty and administration members. If a student would prefer to work with someone outside of the school administration, the institution will refer him to the Chai Lifeline Crisis Hotline. Their phone number is (212) 465-1300 or toll free 1 877 242-4543.
- Policies for Preparing the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics: The institution annually discloses crime statistics to students and employees.
- Programs to Educate Students and Employees about Campus Security Procedures: Students are expected to read all the security materials carefully, and to strictly adhere to all policies.
- Programs to Educate Students and Employees about Crime Prevention: Students are expected to observe basic safety precautions, such as traveling in groups after dark and in high crime areas.
- Statistics, for Most Recent Calendar Year (and last two as available), of Violent Offenses Thefts Reported to Police: There have been no documented cases of violent offenses.
- Policy Regarding Police Monitoring of Crime at Recognized Off-Campus Organizations: There are no authorized off-campus organizations.
- Substance Abuse Policy: See Drug and Alcohol policy.
- Statistics on Liquor, Drug, and Weapons Abuses: There have been no documented offenses related to liquor, illegal drugs or weapons.
- Campus Policy Regarding Sexual Assault: The Yeshiva is totally committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students. Accordingly, the school adheres to a strict uncompromising no-tolerance policy with regard to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
Domestic Violence is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following criminal offenses upon a person protected under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act of 1990: Homicide, Assault, Terroristic threats, Kidnapping, Criminal Restraint, False Imprisonment, Sexual Assault, Criminal Sexual Contact, Lewdness, Criminal Mischief, Burglary, Criminal Trespass, Harassment, Stalking.
In the event of a sex offense, or incident of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, students are urged to contact the police immediately. The nearest to our campuses is listed below.
62 Precinct
1925 Bath Avenue
Brooklyn, NY, 11214-4714
Precinct: (718) 236-2611
Community Affairs: (718) 236-2501
Crime Prevention: (718) 236-2521 – Eduard Nogol – E-mail: eduard.nogol@nypd.org
Domestic Violence Officer: (718) 236-2774
Youth Coordination Officer: (718) 236-2422
Auxiliary Coordinator: (718) 236-2519
Detective Squad: (718) 236-2695
If a student does not feel comfortable contacting the police directly, he may do so indirectly through the school’s police liaisons, Rabbi Yaakov Singer.
Should such an assault or incident occur, it is important for the student to preserve all evidence as proof of a criminal offense.
The Yeshiva will modify a victim’s academic and living situation after the alleged sex offense if changes are requested by the victim and are reasonably attainable. In the case of an alleged sex offense, incident of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, both the accuser and the accused will be called before a disciplinary committee headed by Mashgiach, who receives annual training in domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. The accuser and the accused are both entitled to the same opportunities of allowing others to be present during a disciplinary proceeding. The Mashgiach will interview both parties and any witnesses in order to make a determination of the student’s culpability. The accuser and the accused will be informed of the school’s disciplinary proceeding with respect to the alleged offense or incident.
The Yeshiva strictly enforces its uncompromising no-tolerance policy for any sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking crime. Any student that is found guilty of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, as determined by an investigation by a faculty board of inquiry, will immediately be expelled from the institution. Due to a zero tolerance for crimes committed in the school, there is no due process involved, and no appeal will be accepted. Attendance at our institution is a privilege, not a right, and may be withdrawn without notice if the student is deemed a threat to the safety and security of the student body.
- Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings – Upon request, The Yeshiva will provide the victim with the results of any disciplinary proceeding or actions taken by the Yeshiva against the perpetuator of such a crime or offense.
If the victim has died as a result of the crime or offense, the information will be provided, upon request, to the closest relative of the victim.
- Registered Offenders List – The following link enables students and employees of The Yeshiva to access information about registered sex offenders in the state of New York. The website can be found at http://www.criminal justice.ny.gov/nsor.
- Emergency Evacuation Procedures: In the event of an emergency, an alarm sounds throughout the entire building, classrooms, study area and restrooms. Students are
instructed to immediately evacuate the premises as posted and meet at the designated emergency evacuation site upon hearing the alarm.
- Missing Student Policy: In the event a student, employee, or any individual becomes aware of a student missing for 24 hours he/she must immediately notify Rabbi Singer, who will then contact the local police department. Students are urged to identify a contact person whom the school shall notify within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.
All contact information will be registered confidentially and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials, and will not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of the investigation. The Yeshiva will contact the designated contact person of the missing person within 24 hours that the student is reported missing. If the student is a minor under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian will be contacted. In any case, the institution will inform the local law enforcement agency within 24 hours.
- Fire Safety Policies and Procedures: Fire drills are an essential component in preparing for an emergency and are conducted once a semester (twice per academic year) . Upon hearing the fire drill alarm, students and faculty are required to immediately follow all evacuation procedures and meet at the designated emergency evacuation site.
In the interest of preventing potential fires and reducing the number of fire hazards, students are not permitted to bring any cooking and/or heating appliances or other large electrical appliances into the dormitory with the exception of one small refrigerator per room, no larger than 1.7 cubic ft. Irons, microwaves, heaters, electric blankets, electric lamps, hair dryers and similar items are all prohibited.
- If the fire alarm sounds, IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE THE BUILDING in an orderly manner, without pushing or shoving.
- If you detect a burning odor, smoke and/or fire presence, EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY via the staircase, without stopping to locate personal items.
- If possible, pull at the fire alarm to activate it as you exit.
- If you have received training and can help control the fire without personal danger through an available fire extinguisher, do so. If not, leave the vicinity; if safe to do so, close windows and shut doors after you in order to contain the fire.
- Never allow the fire to come between you and an exit. As you leave, check to ensure everyone has evacuated.
- If requested, attend to and escort those with disabilities.
- If caught in smoke’s path, cover nose with cloth, stay low, and crawl to exit.
- When reaching the outside, move at least 100 feet from the building and proceed to designated site for head count.
- If you are aware of anyone still in the building, report to responding emergency personnel.
- NEVER assume it is safe to reenter the building because the sounding of the alarm has ceased. ONLY reenter after being given explicit permission by authorities.
- Other Emergency Procedures: If an emergency or threat requires that students remain in the building and that the building remains securely locked. Lockdown Procedures will go into effect securing the building and students from any outside threat.
- Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings: Institutions are required to provide emergency notifications or timely warnings based upon the circumstances. Emergency notifications are required to provide immediate notification to the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.
In the event of an emergency or dangerous situation on campus confirmed by Rabbi Singer, He will determine the appropriate community to notify and the content of the notification, including the withholding as confidential the names and other identifying information of victims. Rabbi Singer will then activate the PA system which will announce throughout the entire area under notification. Upon hearing the notification, students and employees are expected to immediately evacuate the premises and meet at the designated emergency evacuation site or to stay in place and lockdown will be activated according to the emergency announcement.
Rabbi Singer will also coordinate the disseminating of emergency information to the larger community via SMS and Robo-call system or local news station.
Emergency procedures are tested at least once annually, on an announced or unannounced basis. Each test is documented, with the description of the exercise, date and time, as well as whether it was announced or unannounced.
Timely warnings are required for all Clery Act crimes that occur on Clery Geography, are reported to CSAs or local law enforcement agencies and are considered by the institution to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees.
Prompt reporting of Clery Act crimes on Clery Geography to CSAs or local law enforcement agencies will initiate timely warnings to all students and employees as to precautions to take while avoiding panic. Timely warnings may include the posting of notices in the schools common areas, a bulletin on the schools website or via a public announcement. Relevant crime information will be disseminated in the same manner, as soon as the information is available.
In an emergency or a dangerous situation, the institution will, without delay and accounting for the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.